Meet Me On De Highway
Package Includes: Transportation* | Event tickets to: Foreday Morning Mas | Kadooment Mas (Backline Costume)
Jones and Wuk Up
Package Includes: Transportation* | Event tickets to: Lush | Lost in Paradise | Foreday Morning Mas | Kadooment Mas (Backline Costume)
Plug Inta All
Package Includes: Transportation* | Event tickets to: Lush | Mimosa | Bliss | Limerz Foreday Morning Mas | Kadooment Mas (Backline Costume)
Fete Alone
Package Includes: Transportation* and Event tickets to your selected list of fetes. This package does NOT include Kadooment day or Foreday Morning
Dates listed are suggested travel dates so that each reveler gets the full Crop Over experience. If alternate dates are needed, please contact Mayhem staff.
All Prices quoted are approximate and may vary based on cost of event tickets or costume selection. Costs listed above are based on female backline costumes and are subject to change based on costume additions. Please inquire about male package quotes.
Tickets included are based on availability at the time that your package is paid in full. Additional Mayhem246 supported event tickets can be purchased with added handling and transportation fees. Any additional tickets purchased through Mayhem will be considered part of your package.
*Transportation covers airport pick up and drop off, events and excursions covered in your package. Transportation to other events will not be coordinated by Mayhem246 staff.
Prices quoted do not include airfare or hotel. We encourage all guests to stay in the St. Lawrence Gap area for easy pick up.
Package costs may vary for guests who choose to stay outside of St. Lawrence Gap.